Finally A CLM Event for Families: Advent Preparation

Posted December 4th, 2022 by CLMrf and filed in Homespun Homily
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By Lori Fontana

On Saturday, November 26th, CLM partnered with the Care for Mother Earth Social Justice Committee of Assumption Parish, north Seattle, to help families prepare for Advent.

Advent 3Over 30 people attended – children, parents, and grandparents – to learn about the INCARNATION of Jesus, who came to earth to be with us and all of God’s creation.

Through prayer, skits, songs, and crafts, we helped each other enter into the Advent  season with a plan for prayer and action.

We watched a children’s video which explains Pope Francis’s letter on the care for creation, Laudato Si. (see Remember, the Incarnation of Jesus is not simply about His saving humans for heaven.  Jesus came to teach us how to bring heaven to earth by loving one another and that love includes the “birds of the air and the flowers of the field.” (Matthew 6:28)

Advent 5Each family made an Advent wreath to use as a focus for their daily prayer. Also, each family made an Advent chain, to countdown the days until Christmas. On different links of the chain, they wrote what they will do to show care for each other and for God’s beautiful creation.

It was a lively, fun, and faith-filled time!

Advent 2Advent 4




Advent 1







It’s not too late to make an advent plan for your family!

Advent wreath with lighted candlesAdvent Prayer with the Advent Wreath

[Materials Needed:  Prayer card; Advent wreath, 3 purple candles, 1 pink candle.]

 All     O come, O come Emmanuel and ransom captive Israel that mourns in lonely exile here until the son of God appear.  Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel shall come to you, O Israel.

Leader        Come, O Lord, and set us free.                                All            Bring your people peace.

Candle of Promise (1st Week of Advent):  I light the Candle of Promise because God made a covenant to our ancestors to save us from sin and evil, and give us peace.  This promise has been fulfilled in Jesus. (light 1 candle)

Candle of Hope (2nd Week of Advent):  I light the Candle of Hope because God’s beloved son, Jesus, born at Bethlehem, gives us everlasting life. (light 2 candles)

Candle of Joy (3rd  Week of Advent) I light the Candle of Joy because God’s beloved Son, Jesus, born of Mary, is our friend.  He is “Emmanuel,”  “God with us.”  (light pink candle, and 2 purple candles)

Candle of Love (4th Sunday of Advent):  I light the Candle of Love because God so loved the world that He gave his only son, not to condemn the world, but to save it.  (light 4 candles)